Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Who am I?

It has been too long since I last posted. I think about and write posts in my head every day. But, by the time I stumble into bed and have a moment to myself I can't form a thought.

Quick update on everyone before I share what is on my mind today.

Emma: Pre-k is going well and Emma seems happy to be back into a routine. Fingers crossed but I think she and I may have turned a corner! She is such a sweet, funny girl and such a good big sister. I love that we are reading longer chapter books together at night too.

Aaron: Aaron is the care taker of the twins. He loves to help and is still more laid back. He loves truck, cars and trains when Ben lets him play with them. He is also a little fish. And he is my snuggler!

Ben: Ben is the little brother. Funny and mischievous and a jokester. He loves to dance, play trucks, cars and trains. He also loves when the girls in the neighborhood pay attention to him.

Now that you are all caught up on the kids, here's what is on my mind lately. Identity. Or lack there of as it may be. When I was in the working world, I was defined by my job. I was a PR person at a nonprofit. Now, people ask what I do (and isn't that the first question people ask when you meet them?) and I feel embarrassed and lacking when I say that I am a stay at home mom. Now don't get me wrong, I like staying home with the kids. When I left my job last year, my boss asked me what else I was going to do besides take care of the kids. The question caught me completely off guard and I really wasn't sure how to answer him. I said volunteer at church only because I didn't want to sound pathetic.

In truth, I haven't quite defined myself as anything but the mom to Emma, Aaron and Ben and wife to Mike. I know I need to. My soul tells me so. I pray about it every single night. I also think about returning to work and what that will look like. I have the luxury of being able to decide when to go back and what I want to do. So far I've come up with I want to make a difference. The how hasn't become clear yet. As for right now, I am contemplating getting more involved in the neighborhood. I joined the moms of multiples group but have yet to go to a meeting. I write here on this blog and for Twiniversity. But I can go days and the only people I talk to are the checkout people at Target and Emma's preschool teacher. I NEED adult interaction. What does everyone else do? I'd love to hear your thoughts.