Wednesday, February 5, 2014

You cannot be Type A with three kids

Technically I guess you can be Type A with kids but either you will go crazy or your kids will require years of therapy to undo all of the neuroses you gave them.

I am hardcore Type A myself. I believe everything has a place and should be put in it. I believe in being five minutes early. I make lists and feel a sense of accomplishment when I cross something off the list. I think kids should play with one toy at a time and put it away before getting out another one.

With one kid this all is still possible. But with three kids under four, forget it. That is something I have learned these past few months staying at home. I can make all the plans I want and the boys may decide that today they only want to be held or play trucks. Emma may come home from school in a snit. A kid will poop in the tub, the dog will vomit and the phone will ring during nap.

So I am learning to let go. Sure it all still makes me cringe but it doesn't make me a complete basket case! That's progress for this old dog.