Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

It's that time of year again. The first cold of the season may be upon us. Emma woke up coughing and sneezing this morning. Seems like the fall when the kids change classrooms at daycare, all the kids get sick. There's just no way to stop it. So let's hope it's quick at least.

I know it's super difficult for the teachers to keep the kids from putting stuff in their mouthes or touching each other. Emma is especially prone to getting sick because she is a thumb sucker. So literally every germ she comes in contact with goes right into her mouth. At this stage of the game, getting her to stop sucking her thumb is not an option so fingers crossed for the upcoming cold and flu season!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Little Mommy

Emma is really into being a little mommy lately. She has discovered baby dolls and loves to put them to sleep which essentially means putting them on their tummies and patting their backs until they go to sleep. She also has really enjoyed giving them their milk in a bottle. She's also a big helper lately. In the last month or so she's had at least 3 or 4 happy grams sent home from school telling us about how she cleaned up all the balls before the kids went in from the playground, helped a friend clean up their mess, pushed in the chairs or done some other helpful thing at school.

Emma helping Mommy unload the dishwasher.
At home she loves to put things in the trash and so I give her individual  items to throw away. She likes it and it teaches her to clean up. She also LOVES to put the silverware away in the drawer. Now she generally just throws it in there regardless of where it should go but she has fun and I don't really care where it goes (I'm totally lying because it drives me crazy but I'm letting it go). We have also given her an Emma size broom to push around which she likes. Her newest and most favorite thing though is giving Ellie and Murphy their dog biscuits in the morning before we leave the house. She will come from wherever she is in the house to do this. It's so cute. Now if only I could teach her to put away laundry...