Thursday, January 9, 2014

Mother vs. Daughter

It is a power of wills really. Mother vs. daughter- the ultimate fight through the ages. At our house, it has begun already. At three, Emma knows ALL of my buttons to push and I know hers. We fight like she is a teenager! We fight over bed times, hair brushing, getting dressed, eating and well pretty much every other thing you can think of. It's astounding. I keep promising myself that I'm going to stop engaging in this craziness but then she yells at me to "leave her alone." And, well, promise broken.

If this is us now, I cannot even begin to imagine how explosive our arguments are going to be during Em's teenage years. I'm not sure the Earth can contain that kind of energy.

I've read Understanding Your Spirited Child. I've read 123 Magic. I've read What to Expect the toddler years. I've Googled my self crazy. I got nothing.

For now, I am crossing my fingers and toes that this is an awful phase we are both going through. And making a promise that hopefully today I won't poke the monster too much.