Monday, April 7, 2014

Ode To A Broken Foot

It was the party to end all parties. Emma and her sweet friend Aubrey were having a co-birthday party at our house. The FunBus was coming to entertain the 21 plus kids who had RSVPd. The weather was perfect at a warm 70 degrees and all seemed to be going well minus the refusal of the two birthday girls to actually play on the FunBus. This led dear old Mom to try to cajole Emma into participating which then led Mom to step the wrong way descending the bus stairs and stepping onto our driveway. The fall was EPIC I tell you. Emma screamed. My camera clunked to the ground and I face planted. Taking stock of my injuries, I knew there was something terribly wrong with my foot/ankle. Sure enough, the PA at Patient First saw a break in my 5th Metatarsol. The ortho surgeon diagnosed it as a Jones Fracture (the worst kind) and surgery was ordered.

Mike and I looked at each other with lumps in our throats and nausea in our stomachs. I had just become a stay at home mom in November and here we were with one income and having to figure out what to do with our kids while I was incapacitated. Thankfully my wonderful inlaws were able to help us out financially so we could put the boys back in daycare. My SIL and FIL came and cleaned our house top to bottom.Wonderful friends have been bringing food by and my mom came to help out for two weeks. But let me tell you husband has been a rock star.

Nothing and I mean nothing tries your marriage faster than being a man down with three kids. Okay yes I'm sure there are other things but you see what I mean. The poor guy has been working around the clock taking care of me, the kids and the house. Tempers have flared and even boiled over on more than one occasion. He is exhausted and I am tired of being helpless so it was bound to happen. Everyone is still alive. The house is reasonably clean and everyone has food. I call that success.

Next week it's back to the surgeon who will hopefully proclaim me healed so I can get on with this business of running our lives! Until then, I hobble along for another week.