Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where has the summer gone?

Oh how I hate to see the school supplies come out in July! I still get this knot in my stomach that school is coming even though I've been out of school for a long time. This summer seems to be flying by way too quickly though I won't be sad to see the hot weather go away. We have spent the entire summer just having fun. Emma has been taking swimming lessons and after 3 lessons they finally took so we signed her up for 4 more weeks. She is now so brave that she jumps right off the side of the pool whether you are ready to catch her or not. She doesn't mind if she goes under and bobs back up either. I'm not sure that I like this new fearlessness as it was far more convenient when she was afraid and I knew she wouldn't try to jump in before Mommy has her shoes off. Still though it is very exciting to see her taking this very big step in big girl land.

Besides spending a lot of time at the pool, we went to Busch Gardens with Emma's friend Addy and her mom. The girls had an absolute blast playing together. Check out this video!

Emma's two best friends are Addy and Morgan and those three girls have a good time wherever they go. It's a hoot to watch them. And they tire each other out which is a win for us mommies! We recently discovered that Emma isn't afraid of bounce houses anymore. Well off we went to Pump It Up on Sunday with Addison and those two had the place all to themselves for about an hour. Over and over again on all the bouncy things. I just love that these three have each other.

We went to the beach in July and of course that was a blast for Miss Emma. She didn't like the waves at first and the sand bothered her but by the end of the week she was laying on a boogie board in the ocean and building sand castles. She has a little boogie board that she takes in the bath with her sometimes actually.

My absolute favorite thing that Emma is doing now is singing constantly. There is nothing sweeter than the voice of a two year old singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Itsy Bitsy Spider or a dozen other songs that the kid knows. She also randomly recited the Pledge of Allegiance the other day which was so ridiculously cute.

We have also spent the entire summer prepping Emma for the impending arrival of baby brothers. We talk about them alot and she is allowed to lift up my shirt (not in public mind you though she has tried a few times) and say hi to them and kiss my belly. We include them in night night prayers. We ask her what their names should be and explain that all the baby stuff coming down from the attic is for her baby brothers. She seems reasonably okay with all of this. Now when push comes to shove, I have no idea how it will go. Right now she is glued to me at all times. She asks me to move my tummy so she can sit in my lap. (if only I could, if only I could) But I am sure that my good little helper will be okay, perhaps with some key bribery involved.

Now as for baby brothers. They have tentative names which we aren't revealing in case we change our minds which is possible. They are moving and grooving right along. They kick me alot and give me heart burn and indigestion and headaches but I have grown rather fond of them in spite of this.  Right now my main goal is to get a room done for them so they have somewhere to sleep!

As for Papa Bear, he's hanging in there.  There are times when I want to strangle him. Times when I've actually figured out where to bury his body and then there are times when I just am so thankful. In all seriousness, this pregnancy has not been easy. I was sick for a long time, still tired, now huge and can't do much and Mike has really stepped up and done everything he could to keep us afloat. Is our house a mess? Always (except when Jackie comes to clean!). Is the laundry folded and put away? not a chance. But is there food on the table, dishes done, dogs and cats fed, litter box cleaned, Emma's toys put away periodically, Emma played with, Momma happy and resting- YOU BETCHA! For that I am so thankful and so glad. Thank you honey. I love you.

So that's it for our summer. Here are a few pics to enjoy!