Tuesday, June 28, 2011


In the Toscano household lately we have been struggling with daycare issues. Emma recently transitioned up to the Toddler room and the transition has not been a smooth one. It took a full week for me to figure out the teachers' names because they never talked to me. And Emma's normal routine is unknown to them and I never knew how her day had been. I was on the brink of looking at Goddard across the street but decided to talk to the leadership at Primrose about my concerns. They were very receptive and things have improved. Still though if Emma's favorite teacher Ms. B isn't in the room in the morning, Emma's preference to be held while daddy makes his exit is not honored. I know the world doesn't revolve around my kid but it breaks my heart. There is enough guilt associated with putting her in daycare anyway without making it worse by a bad transition. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road for us.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Time Flies

Things have been crazy busy lately and I haven't had a chance to update my blog. Why is it every weekend is filled to the gills with events? I love it but I hate it at the same time. Anyway, on to Miss Emma. She has truly turned into a toddler. Today is her last day in the Young Toddler's room at Primrose. On Monday, we will drop her off in the Toddler room. It's time. The other day she climbed on top of her kitchen set and when I told her to get down she gave me a look that said I'm going to do what I want. She has no fear except when she is completely afraid. This week she was very clingy because daddy was away and she knew something was amiss at home. We went for a walk and to the playground and she was afraid of the swing and the slide! Turns out Miss E was coming down with the stomach flu so this too could explain her odd behavior. I bought her some new Stride Rites and they are almost too small at a size 4. It was just a month or so ago that they would have been too big. Where does the time go? Where is my little baby peanut?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

15 month old check up

It's hard to believe but peanut is 15 months old! She had her check up yesterday. She weighed 20 lbs 1 ounce and was 28.5 inches tall and her head was 18 1/4 inches. She is in the 5th percentile for height and weight and 60th percentile for head. Baby big head indeed! She has consistently been sliding lower on the charts for a while going from 25% to now 5% but the doctor says she is just going to be petite. But even Dr. T said she is a pistol and that she is about 3 months ahead developmentally for her age! Yay Emma.

Of course, sometimes she is too smart for her own good but the mischief is contained for the most part. Last night she thought it would be fun to splash an entire bowl of dog water all over the floor. I was watching her do this mind you but she was so cute and laughing and so I couldn't stop her. This is what is going to get us in trouble- she is just too cute to punish!!