Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boys and sweet Emma

Last week we found out that we are having identical twin boys. I was not surprised at all as I had thought this all along. Truthfully, I would be in shock if the doctor had said girls. We are busy working on coming up with names for the twins and I am trying to figure out how to cope with pee pees! Emma has started to adjust to the fact that she is having baby brothers. I ask her where her brothers are and she either points to her tummy or mine. It's very cute. I have started reading toddler books to her about being a big sister and she likes them.

I must say that there is a part of me that is really struggling to accept the fact that in a few months we won't be a family of three anymore. I know it's silly because we wanted another child but the reality is something I am struggling with. Every time I hold Emma or snuggle her I think about how with two babies I won't get to snuggle her as much and it makes me sad. Yes a lot of it is hormones probably. Still it is something I am struggling with.

For now I am enjoying every second of our last summer as a family of three.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Finding Words

Every day I come to blogger to write about Emma's latest antics and every day I leave without having written a single word. It isn't that I don't have a lot to say. I do. It's that my head has just been consumed with so many thoughts of the babies, the logistics behind having two babies at one time and getting Emma prepared to be a big sister. I literally couldn't type anything. But I am finally here and have broken the ice with a few sentences so here we go!

The Babies

About a week and a half ago we had our first visit with the perinatal doctor, Dr. Fisher. We went for our NT scan to check for probability of down syndrome, trisomy 18 and 13. Honestly, at that point I didn't care about any of those things, I was more concerned with having twins that shared a placenta and a sac which meant a huge risk to me and to the babies. Fortunately, within a few minutes Dr. Fisher found a second sac! Our babies are identical but can't strangle each other with their umbilical cords or get nasty knots in them. They can however, one can starve the other and take its blood so I will be seeing Dr. Fisher every 2 weeks for the rest of my pregnancy starting on June 19. And he said I will deliver by 37 weeks so sometime that second week of November at the latest. We haven't really done anything in terms of getting ready for the babies yet. We need to move a lot of furniture and pack up two rooms in our house to make room for them. It's going to be an undertaking. Otherwise all is well on the baby front.


Ahhh my sweet little monkey has become Mommy's girl lately. She is always sitting in my lap or telling people that I am her mommy. It is so sweet and I am trying to enjoy every single second that I have left with just me and Emma. We have told her that she is going to be a big sister and that she will have baby brothers or sisters. Generally the response we get when we ask her if she wants a baby brother or sister is a resounding NO! So we have our work cut out for us.  I really love this stage of childhood and always have. Babies are okay but they can't really interact with you. Emma can carry on a conversation, tell you what she needs, entertain you and is fairly independent. She comes up with the craziest things. The other night I looked over while she was eating and she had put an empty bowl on her head! Back around Easter time, Target had cute little straw Easter hats in the $1 bin so we bought Emma one. It's pink and has a ribbon tied around it. For a while she would wear it around the house when playing with her babies. Now, it has become her rain hat. I kid you not. Every single time we leave the house and it is raining or the ground is wet, Emma demands "ma hat." And she wears this pink straw hat to protect her head from getting wet. No other hat will do. I need to get a picture of it because it is the funniest thing.

Monkey has also started asking her Daddy to play "toys" with her. Now I have no idea what toys she is referring to. She has many. But they end up playing Weebles or trains most of the time. She has also set up her on little gym in our living room. She asks to have her Pottery Barn chair flipped over so that it is a triangle and we push it up against the ottoman and surround all of it with pillows. She then climbs on the ottoman and uses the chair as a slide or as a place to flip over. Clearly the girl is destined to be a gymnast. And don't worry we are always right there with her so she doesn't crack her head open!

Finally with some of Mommy's energy coming back, we have been trying to just spend lots of time doing fun things. We went to Busch Garden's the other week and Emma had a BLAST! Mommy, not so much, but in 90 plus heat and being sick and pregnant who expected me to really? This weekend we went to the pool two days in a row. Emma had the baby pool all to herself on Saturday and she loved it. She and I played catch with the pool toys and splashed around. She did manage to fall in as she was running (for which I had told her to walk about a million times) but I was right there to scoop her out of the water. Scared her pretty good though. On Sunday we went with her friends Addy and Morgan and those three girls had the best time swimming, splashing and eating everything in sight. This weekend is her daddy's birthday so who knows what fun we have in store!

So there you have it. An update on the Toscanos and on parenting worries. Guess I had it in me afterall.