Monday, October 1, 2012

Where has the time gone?

It's been months since I last wrote a blog entry. I have a good excuse. No really I do. For the month of August, Emma and I both got sick with colds which turned into pneumonia. We were very concerned that Emma was going to end up in the hospital but a last minute dose of steriods pulled her out of the woods thank goodness. Unfortunately, mommy wasn't so lucky. While we were busy taking care of Emma, Mommy's cold morphed into a rather nasty case of pneumonia that landed me in the hospital for 6 days. I seriously didn't know I was that sick. I thought oh sure they'd give me some good antibiotics and I'd be home the next day. Trouble was I kept getting worse and worse. Finally on like day 4, the lung doctor ordered extra strength steriods for me and that seemed to be just what I needed! I seriously thought I was going to die for a few days there. When your doctor is talking about intubating you things get a little serious.

So that was August. I didn't get out of the hospital until Labor day. Through all this the boys were totally fine. Then September I was seriously trying to recover from being sick and trying to get in some last minute fun with Emma. We went to the state fair over the weekend and Emma had so much fun. She loved feeding the animals at the petting zoo. She loved riding rides and going down the giant slide. She loved eating french fries for lunch. All in all it was a good time.

We've spent the last month getting the bedrooms switched around and as of yesterday we have 1 and 3/4 of the cribs together! Big day for us. Those babies may have somewhere to sleep yet. We have also decided on names which we aren't really sharing with the world yet as we could very well change our minds.

As for everything else, well it's all a blur. I don't think I have been this stressed out in my entire life. Between work, home, marriage, 2.5 year old and babies I may seriously end up in the mental ward. This is why I decided to start my maternity leave a little early. I just can't handle everything and don't have the energy to be patient and nice to stupid people. So today I'm talking to my doctor about leaving in 3 weeks. I'm sure she will have no problem with this!