Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friendships and Singing

As I watch Emma playing with her little friends, especially Morgan, I hope that she has the gift of life long friendships. This has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. Most of my friends I have had for years and years. As an adult it is really hard to make new friends. All of my new friends are actually moms of kids in Emma's classes. We have a lot in common in that we are raising toddlers to be good people. We can commesurate on not being able to go out in public, bedtime routines gone astray and how to get our toddlers to eat more than 5 things. I love it. I'm very grateful for my new found friends.

This past year and old friend and I parted ways. Honestly it was something that had needed to happen for a long time. Yet, I am still grieving the loss. Really I'm grieving the loss of who she was and who I was and the friendship we had long ago. Over the years we have both changed and grown in different directions. In hind sight, maybe she and I were never that great of friends anyway. Friends give and take and I'm not sure that happened with us in a balanced way. Still I grieve. And the hardest part is that we have mutual friends so we still see each other and I get a little sad. It's hard to explain.

So as one friendship has ended, others have grown. My next door neighbor (Morgan's mom) and I have really gotten to know one another over the last few months. Trying to keep toddler's entertained will do that I guess. Our husband's are similar and share similar interests which is nice and our kids fight like sisters. The funny part is that we let them because they are both only children and it's good for them to be challenged and to have to share. Having kids makes making friends a lot easier!

And now for the update on the toddler. She turns 2 on Friday. I cannot even believe it. She transitioned to early preschool a few weeks ago and has picked up some new tricks. In the middle of playing with her toys she will burst into song. It is absolutely the most adorable thing ever. Twinkle, Twinkle Mommy Star (from her new CD) and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes are her favorites.  And she is in the "I do it" stage. Except she says "Emma do" or "Me do" or "Ma do" most of the time. It's cute. She has also learned to put on her own coat! We lay it upside on the floor and she puts her arms in and flips it over her head. Ta Da. It's wonderful. She is growing up so fast and learns so many new things every day. Last night in the bath tub she was saying "Oh gosh" which reminds me to curb my language. Mental note on that one. And I really think she is going to love gymnastics. That kid loves for her daddy to throw her in the air, flip her over, help her jump on the couch...all that crazy stuff. Too bad I haven't found a gymnastics class for 2 year olds. She does do Romp N Roll at school and she loves it.

So that's the update for today. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow Play

During Emma's first year of life we had a few snows but she was always sick or not walking or something so she never went outside into the snow. Today, she sledded for the first time. It wasn't much snow but it sure was fun!