So yesterday we finally let the cat out of the bag about our expecting twins. We found out on April 20 when we went for my 8 week appointment. We had known there was a chance of us having twins because of the fertility treatments that I was using (HCG injections and Femara) and I knew there were two eggs that were mature when I had my injection the last time. But, never in a million years did either of us think that we'd be in the 10% chance for twins. Never. So when the ultrasound tech broke the news that there were indeed two little beings in there we were not prepared. Mike started sweating profusely and I feared he'd have a panic attack right there in that hot, dark room. I was numb and unsure how to respond. I think I can equate the feeling to finding out you are pregnant at the wrong time in your life like when you are 16 years old, dating the wrong guy for you or something like that. It took weeks and weeks for us to work through this blessing individually and then another few weeks to come back together as a couple. I can only speak for myself here but my primary worries were 1. how can we afford two more babies? We had only budgeted for one. Yes we budgeted for our child! 2. How will I ever be able to give Emma the attention that she needs and deserves. 3. How can we handle two infants at once? Like I said, though we had prayed for one more baby, we were totally unprepared for two more babies. Still are actually. We began to come to terms with it by looking at our budget, finding car seats that fit into my existing SUV, researching and educating ourselves and just breathing. We just trust God has given us the blessings that he knew we can handle. At some point we always planned to have three children, just not two at once!
As I approach the very end of my first trimester and start the very welcome second trimester (Lord please give me some of my energy back and less nausea!) things are a bit more complicated. Our babies as of right this second are identical and sharing a sac and a placenta. This is very high risk. Now I say right this second because I still believe that they are fraternal but my regular OBGYN says she feels like she can't see a second membrane or a second placenta. I go for a NT Scan next week and perhaps the more advanced ultrasound will find more favorable results. Perhaps not. Then we roll with it and hope and pray for the best. As for my dear husband (and this could be hormones but probably not) he's been very good. I'm really bone numbingly tired at the end of each day and he makes dinner, cleans up and doesn't complain much about it. The few times when I just couldn't even muster the energy to give Emma her bath he has stepped in and done it. Poor guy made me a delicious Mother's Day dinner last night. The steak which I would ordinarily love looked gross whole so I asked him to cut it up for me and he did! Still didn't fix the gross factor for me so I am officially giving up on eating meat for a while. I'll have to go to the good old Boca line of products I guess.
So for all of you who read this little blog, hope you enjoy our ride until December!