It has been forever since I have written a post. I guess having busy twins and a crazy 3 year old will do that. When we first had the twins, many, many experienced twin parents told us it gets better after 6 months. At the time, that felt like forever. Now though, the twins are almost 9 months old and I have to say that it really is true. Things get much better after 6 months. Now our monkeys still don't sleep all night but they have stopped crying when they are awake and play and crawl all over and are generally happy. We have an established routine that I dare not vary for fear of what might happen.
Emma completely adores her brothers, especially now that they can interact more. The other morning Aaron was crawling in the upstairs hall (gate to stairs securely closed) and Emma pats her leg and says "come on Aaron. come to my room." Yep, knew that was coming. The twins LOVE Emma too. Their eyes light up when she enters the room. They love it when she pulls on them, sits on them, rocks them too hard etc. Thank heaven they are made of sturdy stuff! Personally terror would be in my eyes if I saw her coming my way!
Both boys are crawling and curious Aaron is into everything and already pulling up to standing. Not good news for this momma! Emma is in preschool and doing really well. She is diabolically smart and rememberes EVERYTHING! She is busy from sun up until she passes out. We tried out ballet this spring and that was an epic fail. Miss E doesn't feel that she needs to do what everyone else is doing and so ballet was not for her. Though, at home, she demonstrates every single position, jump and turn that she learned! Go figure.
We are trying soccer in the fall so we'll see how that goes. At the very least, maybe it will tire her out a little. Emma's favorite thing to do is read. No, she can't actually read yet but she has memorized many of her favorite stories and then reads them to her brothers. So adorable.
So for my many friends who are having twins or triplets, know that it really does get better I promise. Until then, just keeping doing what you can to stay above water!
Benjamin sharing his puffs |
Emma and Ben |
She's thinking something that probably isn't good. |
Aaron on the left and Ben on the right prefer to touch whenever possible. |
Aaron AKA Kramer |
Benjamin can sit up! |
Ballet Emma |
Butterfly, ballerina, princess, harmonica player |
I love this one. They are having the best time. |
That's Emma's back side while she was still participating.
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